Moments ago, ESA approved the first applicant for the new ACE-International program.
This applicant (let's call him Mr X) was interested to become an ACE-I as a way to showcase his professionalism and training. Mr X is well-established as an arborist in his country and has received a certificate for attending the Purdue course. But he felt that he needed something more to really establish himself as a reliable professional. When referring to his Purdue certificate, he says, "People are impressed, but I am sure ACE ...would be more impress(ive) in the future."
We've received numerous inquiries from PMPs like Mr. X from all across the globe as the industry begins to prepare for this new international credentialing program. We're posting information on the new ACE-I program as it becomes available.
The ACE-International program will launch on October 22nd, 2014 at PestWorld. We're taking applications now so that people can test as soon as they are ready to after the launch.
Click here to download the PDF ACE-International application.
We now know who the first applicant is. But who will be the first ACE-International?